Post about immigration in r/mapporn. Comments are about as you'd expect

Some of the spicier comments


>Hopefully, the rapture will come and take all the christians! [-2]

>>Hopefully the AFD will come and take all the Muslims! [+4]


>Europe in 2100: Afro-Islamic states of Europe [+42]

>>The spread of multiculturalism is inevitable, get over yourself. [-4]

>>>Multiculturalism, read: Massive drops in European population to the point of cultural extinction in less than 2 generations. [+6]

>>>>The post y’all are freaking out about has a broken link as the source. I wouldn’t be so worried if I were you. [+1]


>Damn who let the racists out. [+21]

>>Is it racist to wish that your country preserves its native population? And not want it to be overrun with people from the middle-east and Africa? [+23]

Europeans have a right to their own lands and should not have to apologize for wanting it this way.

>>>You're on Reddit. Don't mind them. in real life more and more Europeans are slowly waking up :) [+10]

>>>>Yea on reddit like r/mapporn and r/europe people are usually not anti-immigration. Oh wait!

In real life people don't make ANY of the types of comments you'd read in this thread. Reddit is this stuff on steroids and anyone pretending like there isn't loads of anti-immigrant sentiment on european reddit is delusional or just lying. Probably lying.

Try saying these things in the cafeteria at work, see how popular it is in real life [+2]

>>>>>Exactly! You realize how the dynamics are shifting when even Redditors are waking up. Crazy!

>>Look at Paris, Barcelona, ​​Brussels... it is not racism to recognize that we are not compatible [+29]

>>>Not racist ? Bro youre literally saying : look theyre different we can’t be together. Segregationist ideas.[+5]


>In other terms: migrants might constitute half the population in countries like Italy. [+82]

In that scenario, good luck preserving your national qualities when half of your people have roots in Pakistan, Congo or Peru...

>>And is it bad? Bad tradition will die, and the better one culture might emerge. Or maybe a culturless state will appear, isn't that great? [-30]

>>>Yes, because European culture is the reason that made Europe great. It's the reason why all those people want to migrate in such a cold continent.Yeah, I don't wanna risk it, thank you. [+11]

>>Cheers for the input, Adolf [-9]

>>>"I want to preserve my culture and country” “Hitler” [+13}

>>>>You think German culture and history is just that horrible part? How sad [-5]

>That really fucking sucks. Europe put a gun to its head and pulled the trigger. I don't know why. [+6]


>[Deleted Comment]

>Imagine being Polish and complaining about immigration lol. [+17]

>>we learn fast, been to Germany in 2024 and I'd rather die than let my kids inherit that kind of multicultural cesspool [-12]

>>>You don’t like muslims either huh :(( [-1]

>>>>Facts you mean? [+3]

>>What a cruel words to say! You should definetely let your kids to enrich themself culturally with them! /s

>>>Im sorry excuse me??

At one point Poland was a multicultural “cesspool”, not to mention you quickly accepted many Ukrainian refugees that are more likely than not going to stay in Poland. So I don’t understand what you mean “multicultural cesspool” [+12]

>>>>We are full. Ukrainians should leave. And if you wanna see how "multiculturalism" in XXI century looks, take a look at Paris on New Year's Eve. Like 1000 cars burned, LOL [-10]

>>>>>You're so brainwashed it's actually sad lol. How come Poland is the safest country in the entire EU, especially compared to "multicultural" Sweden, Germany, NL? Haha [+1]


>Finally, nature could breathe a sigh of relief on our overpopulated continent. [-6]

>>well no. Population size of Europe more likely will not decrease, rather it'll stay almost the same as today. And instead of white europeans, who harming European nature, there will be "New" europeans with darker skin color and different culture, who will harm European nature, just like "Old" ones [+6]


>Population replacement is genocide per the UN definition, you are advocating for genocide [+13]

>>What the actual flip. If you think immigrants make more babies specifically in the intent of replacing the population then you have a lot to learn about the world. Traditionally, most non-occidental cultures have bigger families since the industrial revolution, even in their own country. If you are happy with a big family then I don’t think you should be incriminated for it just because you are brown in « white land », white in « brown land » or purple in « green with glitters land ». In quotes because technically the world belongs to everyone> [-4]

>>>Policy is driving the demographic replacement, not the birth rate of immigrant groups who are already here.

It's political policy that makes it possible for millions of people to enter our countries and live here. Most of them are being housed and fed on the tax payers expense.

The stated intention might not be genocide, but if you advocate forcing mass-migration and total multiculturalism on societies with negative native birthrates. In effect, you're advocating for genocide. [+6]


Some miscellaneous comments

>Its not realistic.

Without immigrants, native populations would have a more positive outlook for the future and have more children.

Real numbers would be double. [+6]

>> No, they wouldn’t. [+7]

>So, cultural suicide. [0]

>Europe should find ways to encourage locals having kids. Importing extremists from Islamic countries is not smart. [+5]

>Better to have zero immigration than to import violent people who refuse to assimilate to your culture. This shit doesn’t work and every single person in countries like Sweden, Germany, UK etc is tired of refugees and migrants. Even the most liberal people are sick and over it and election results showcase that.

Every single generation before the 1970s would have been totally disgusted at the state of Europe right now. Their ancestors fought tooth and nail or millennia’s to protect borders and it’s all ruined in less than 2 generations by idealists who are trying to fix nonexistent issues. Conquest from within.

Europe is already crowded as is anyways. The last thing some of these countries need is more people [+5]