Can we be friends?

I just started my lil blog and I am so in love, I feel the creative juices flowing and the community is like nothing I've experienced before other than tumblr. I should post this there lol, but idk I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and it's easier to start here I guess?

I want to follow people who are speaking into the void. People who post about grappling with their consciousness and how they're navigating it - but mostly people who want to build connections and have conversations about these writings. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to plug mine, I don't want to fish for clicks if the reddit fam isn't down so if this feels like the kind of connection you're looking for then please let me know!

And especially if you're new to the platform, I'd love to support someone's work as we get more comfortable together.

edit: Love to see us all following each other in these comments!!