My online friend wants to kill herself and I don't know what to do

I've known her for a year, and she seemed extremely extroverted and energetic to me for the first few months. We appeared to be perfect gaming buds. Then she started talking more about how she feels depressed without a particular reason. And for the past 2 weeks she's been severely inclined to commit suicide, even though it scares her.

Her: "I just don't feel like living(?). Im waking up every day with only one thought that I will die soon. Living like I'm already dead. I don't need pity from other people and I've been thinking about suicide for last 2 months. Am I weak for actually wanting to do that?" "I don't think I'm saying everything about what's happening to me. I've been trying to read about how to cope with this but I think these advice far beyond my mind. It's like urge to kill myself, like I should do it"

It's even more devastating to me because 2 weeks before that, she started eating and exercising more and seemed overall happier... And now this.

She had a psychologist, a psychiatrist and even took antidepressants. No visible results. And she doesn't wanna try again. She doesn't know herself why she wants to end it all

We've talked a lot about her condition in the span of the year, and I always tried to support her. I feel like I've said everything reassuring that could've been said but it only worked short-term.

And the worst thing is that she has loving parents, irl friends and a bright future ahead of her (she's an incredible artist and just an awesome person). I don't want her gone.