The $10,000,000 floor is FUD
Hi, before you get your pitchforks out please let me elaborate.
Let me take you back to freshman economics and reteach you guys about a simple thing called supply and demand. Supply and Demand determine the price of things, we can look at how these prices are determined below:
Supply goes up, demand goes up, Price depends on other factors
Supply goes up, demand goes down, Price goes Down
Supply goes down, demand goes up, Price goes Up
Supply goes down, demand goes down, Price depends on other factors
We only need to focus on one of these 4, Supply goes down, demand goes up, Price goes Up. When this thing pops it's going to POP, I'm talking numbers no one will ever have anticipated, now let's peel back the skin and dive into this. Once this stock starts to reach into the $1,000s, paperhands, doubters, and all the people that didn't know about this are going to severely wish they had every single one of your shares, the demand for the shares that you hold will just keep going up and up and up as the hedgies get that sweet sweet margin call, and the price continues to skyrocket. The hedgies will want your shares, retailers will want your shares, anyone with a dream of getting rich quickly will want your shares, and every single person I know has a dream of being rich fast with no effort. If supply goes down severely, which it 100% will, and the demand for the shares is insane (Margin call), the price will go into the Kuiper belt. No guys I don't think you still understand, this is the equivalent to having bitcoin in 2013, the equivalent to going all-in on Leicester City vs Manchester City. This is absolutely huge, and the numbers that those people won are nothing compared to what you are about to win.
The Demand for this stock is only going to rise and eventually, we will hit that 10,000,000 floor (start writing big numbers like this btw). But the way that I see this is, this 10,000,000 floor is a simple form of PRICE ANCHORING. People are throwing this number out like they actually have intentions to sell during the MOASS. THE MOASS HAS THE POSSIBILITY TO BE AN INFINITY SQUEEZE. It's simple, they owe more than 100% of the float, you name your price, seriously. Guys, you are going to soon have the most wanted thing on the planet in your possession, EVERYONE will wish they were you with your shares. Why on God's green earth would you ever sell something that is only going to continue to rise in price, it's your personal hedge against inflation. You just have to sit there and the price will keep rising, no actually, you literally have to do NOTHING and these shares will rise in price. If someone came to you and told you that you have to do nothing to get rich, you would think they are crazy, well here I am telling you that you have to do nothing to get rich. Do you think I'm crazy?
tldr: 10,000,000 floor is price anchoring. Demand is going to be insane and infinity squeeze is a possibility. Whatever price you want, you can name it.
EDIT 1: I mistakenly forgot to mention that constantly throwing around a 10,000,000 number may confuse some people into thinking that 10,000,000 is a CEILING and not a FLOOR, that's what I'm scared about, its ok to have a floor, but I'm sure some people are considering that as a ceiling.
not financial advice of course, i can even tie my shoes what makes you think i can give financial advice