Is a Surron worth for me?

Hi guys, kind of new to e dirtbikes but I am very interested in them. I am 16 years old, I live in Lithuania (Baltic country, Eastern europe) and I currently have a Giant e Fathom. I live in a village near a small city (5k residents or so) and I ride it daily during the warm time of the year. I ride it to school, gym, trails, friends houses and so on(5-15km commute). The only thing about it that absolutely annoys me is the fact it is restricted to 25km/h. I can confortably ride above 30km/h on my normal bike, whereas I struggle to do so on my Ebike. I can commute to most places entirely on paved pathways near lakes (have no concerns riding a Surron there as I barely run into people). Though to reach supermarkets, trails and my friends I would need to ride on a bike lane on a sidewalk near the main road. So my question is - should I consider getting a Surron for daily commuting? I have around 5k euros saved up, though I was saving it for a first car (money should not be a problem here). How risky would it be in terms of getting into trouble with the police? Have heard very mixed experiences with the local police concerning similar topics. Would pedal kits help to make it stand out less? I understand that I could probably avoid most problems simply by just riding carefully and within normal bike speeds near the main roads though I am afraid it could get impounded if I would caught. I also strongly consider trying to get rid of the limiter on my current Ebike (have read that they can reach speeds of 40-50kmh). Though the Chip devices cost north of 200 euros. I would appreciate all and any opinions on this topic. Any solutions/info would be super helpful. Hopefully this gets seen.