Fardriver controller

Attention Sur-ron owners. A friend of mine bought a X black edition from Lunacycle during the superbowl sale they had. He very quickly decided, while the bike is fun, it needs more power. We both searched around looking for mods and upgrades and found a very small assortment of possibilities. There's the common BAC 4000 or 8000 which are great setups BUT not only is the programing/tuning not accessible without begging for a distributor to let you temporarily borrow their admin login but they are EXPENSIVE! There's the sabvoton 72150 or 72200 controller which I personally like alot but they have a couple downfalls too. It can be a little tough to get one that's "unlocked" and they are pretty big and bulky. I came across a fairly new (as far as I know) controller called the FarDriver. I chatted back and forth quite a bit with QS-motor on Ali-express and although they have no knowledge of anybody trying, or succeeding, a pairing of the Surron motor with the Fardriver controller I made up an order and crossed my fingers. In all, my order consisted of; - FarDriver 84530 controller (good for 60v-84v packs and rated at 330 battery amps and 530 phase amps) - Generic Ct-22 dash display for watching speed, voltage, Temps, ect. - 2 remote digital throttle assemblies (so we can setup a 1/4 turn cabled dirtbike throttle and have some tactical feedback during the twist) - The bluetooth and PC communication cables to play with the controller's settings over the phone app or PC. - A couple end cap brackets for one of my Sabvoton controllers. - And a pair of small bar mounted 3 speed switches. Anyhow, my point is ALL IN, including shipping that took 10 days from China to my porch we paid less than $600. So far, the controller has only been test fit to the bike because I need to fab a couple angle brackets for mounting but I've ran the self learning and the controller took about 15 seconds to pair perfectly with the Sur Ron motor. We are currently only running the original 60v battery setup with a BMS bypass. (I've got a few ideas about a easy 84v setup. I'll run a 24v pack in series with the factory 60v. That should work while I build a big 84v pack from scratch. The results so far are unbelievable! With the bike on a center stand and the wheels elevated I played with the throttle and the instantaneous response, torque and wheel spin speed are amazing. With a sudden snap and release of the throttle the bike has so much gyroscopic force it yanked the front wheel up hard and the back wheel down towards the concrete. I barely caught the bike from contacting the wheel to the ground and becoming a garage projectile! I am anxious to get everything buttoned up and take it for a ride. Wish me luck. I'll update when it's all together.

Keywords Fardriver far-driver far driver