Do you people seriously want PvE mode?
I understand the frustrations with pvp in this game (my only major complaint is the hit reg but that’s not what we’re here for) but I’m surprised how many people want to totally get rid of that aspect. Personally, I can’t see how looting and fighting enders until you have rabbit gear is gonna be fun, you’ll just be mindlessly patrolling the map until your inventory is full and once you’ve crafted everything, there will be no reason to play the game. I could see this if they made enders more threatening, but short of having 5 gazers aggro you in an open field, enders are far to simple and predictable to be a meaningful threat, at worst they force you to retreat temporarily. I can totally see the appeal if they added some kind of roaming super ender or something, frankly If the game was just fully balanced around fighting enders and had more types, I’d probably like that game more than the current one.
TLDR: Do people think a PvE only map wouldn’t be really boring?