Elder scrolls VI and the new xbox

So I just read a couple of articles about these i read that Microsoft started to make the new xbox that's suppose to be a giant leap in technology they've been working on it since 2023 and it's possible release date is 2027-2028 i don't think I've enjoyed my series x enough for them to be coming out with a new console in a few years.

And then I read an article on the elder scrolls VI and they are doing a make a wish auction for one kid to go work with the studio to building an NPC and the last time they did this was with starfield 900 days before it came out. So if I follow do the math right that's a release date for 2027-2028.

All I'm saying is if they use Elder Scrolls VI as a big push to buy the new xbox and only make it for the new xbox. We'll i will be royally pissed off lmfao. so we go through 14 years and 3 or 5 console generation and mid generation refreshes before it comes out. It better not skip the series x releasing a new console in those years is to early