What does TGL need to succeed?

I've been thinking about this more and more, because the fact is, this "league" will fold within five years if this is all it's going to be. Watching pro golfers (and they do have good rosters) play simulator golf just isn't enough of a draw to keep the masses invested.

Personally, I think they need to cut back on the traditional holes (but still keep some) and mix it up with some other stuff like....

- SKILLS COMPETITIONS! Who doesn't remember watching things like The Big Break for the skills competitions? Glass breaking, accuracy shooting, chipping competitions, etc.....these are all things that they could feasibly do in an arena like that. I personally think this is what they need to incorporate the most.

- More wild holes. Sim golf doesn't hold a candle to the real thing, so why not make some of the holes ridiculous? 2,000 yard hole on a cliff with a fairway only 20 yards across? Why not? A string of shrinking islands that the teams alternate trying to hit in order to see which team can get to the end in the least amount of strokes? Yes...that sounds pretty cool to me?

What do you all think?