Fan Booking a New Faction: The Conglomerate

I've mentioned in past posts that I'm tired of the System, even though I love Moose. There are currently 3 groups that have similar vibes IMO. The System, Fir$t Cla$$, and whatever Mustafa Ali is going to call his group. They're all heels but are interested in money, power, and status. I think it would be cool if they had a merger and created a new stable called the Conglomerate. Below is who I would include in the faction/stable and what belt they'd hold.

  • TNA Champ: Moose
  • X-division Champ: Mustafa Ali
  • Tag Champs: AJ Francis and KC Navarro
    • The talk show they have is great for spreading propaganda and generating heat on a regular basis.
  • Digital Media Champ and fall guy: Dirty Dango
  • KO Tag: Savannah Evans and Tasha Steelz
  • KO Champ: Tessa Blanchard cause Fuck it let's get spicy and controversial
  • Alternatives
    • The Nemeth Bros as tag champs
    • Elegance as KO Tag champs

I simply like a faction where every person has a role, place, and purpose. The ultimate goal for any faction/stable is to hold all the gold simultaneously.

Curious to hear what y'all think!

EDIT: I guess the name is more or less taken. 😅 IDK, go with the Acquisition instead. Or something that represents multiple groups coming together.

2ndly, I wanted to take the System and update them. Get rid of the Edwards and BM and get new people. Had Fir$t Cla$$ worked with the system before? If so, even better! Shows they have history but haven’t fully committed to the alliance.