Anyone else here only doing natural conception?


I had my second (naturally) at 40 after a few months off and on of trying. Pregnancy and birth (quick vaginal birth), and health of baby was fine.

We are going to be trying for #3 soon. I’m 42.

I was Dx POF/POI in my 20s with an FSH of 15-17, I never pursued any Assisted Reproduction and had a very negative experience when I attended a clinic for testing. I never went back. I was Dx based on routine screening by my endo (I have other autoimmune issues). I likely have/had FSH receptor antibodies.

I conceived my 1st at age 31 naturally, first try (delivered at 32).

Due to my traumatizing experience at RE clinics (including one who told me I had a less than 1% chance of conceiving-this was before I got pregnant first actual try with natural conception) I will only be pursuing natural conception. Plus IVF won’t work for POI and can possibly stimulate and accelerate autoimmune POI which would be bad.

Anyone else doing natural conception and when do you find the time for sex lol. That’s been the issue, I wonder how many fertile older couples never get pregnant due to this alone lol.

Anyway everyone good luck on their journey and baby dust to all!

P.S. As soon as I saw Mrs. Doubtfire as the sub pic, I knew this was the sub for me! :D