馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 接受美國參議員克魯茲 (Ted Cruz) 專訪表示,美國應該會贏得 AI 競賽,但 AI 晶片的生產將決定 AI 競賽的勝負,而目前 100% 的 AI 晶片都在台灣製造。若中國入侵台灣,全球 AI 晶片將斷供。
克魯茲:殺手機器人消滅人類的可能性有多大?(How real is the prospect of killer robots annihilating humanity?)
馬斯克:百分之二十的機率,也許百分之十。(20% likely, maybe 10%.)
克魯茲:在什麼時間範圍內?(On what time frame?)
馬斯克:五到十年。(5 to 10 years.)
克魯茲:這麼快? 你是說,你認為有可能會發生這樣的情況嗎?(So soon? Like, you see a world where that's possible?)
馬斯克:對,但我的意思是,你可以把它看作是杯子已經滿了百分之八十到九十,也就是說有百分之八十的機率我們所有人都能享有極大的繁榮。(Yeah, but I mean, you could look at it like the glass is 80-90% full, meaning like 80% likely we will have extreme prosperity for all.)
克魯茲:現在,我認為我們正在一場贏得人工智慧的競賽中。(Now, I guess my view is we're in a race to win AI.)
克魯茲:我們正在與中國競爭,而我的看法是,如果要有殺手機器人,我寧願它們是美國的殺手機器人,而不是中國的。(We're in a race with China, and my view is if there are going to be killer robots, I'd rather they be American killer robots than Chinese.)
克魯茲:我們現在獲勝的可能性有多大? 美國現在正在獲勝嗎?(How likely are we winning right now? Is America winning right now?)
克魯茲:美國在人工智慧競賽中,相對於中國或其他人,獲勝的可能性有多大?(And how likely is America to win the race for AI, vis-a-vis China or anyone else?)
馬斯克:在接下來的幾年裡,我認為美國很可能會贏。(For the next few years, I think America is likely to win.) 然後這將取決於誰控制人工智慧晶片的製造,也就是製造人工智慧晶片的工廠。(Then it will be a function of who controls the AI chip fabrication, the factories that make the AI chips.) 誰控制了它們?(Who controls them?) 如果更多的工廠由中國控制,那麼中國就會贏。(If more of them are controlled by China, then China will win.)
克魯茲:你認為製造人工智慧晶片的工廠將會決定這一切嗎?(The factories that are making the AI chips, you think that will determine it?)
克魯茲:我們在這方面與中國相比如何?(And how are we doing versus China on that front?)
馬斯克:嗯,現在幾乎所有先進的人工智慧晶片工廠,他們稱之為晶圓廠,都在台灣。(Well, right now almost all the advanced AI chip factories, they call them fabs, are in Taiwan.)
克魯茲:如果中國入侵台灣怎麼辦,距離...只有幾英里?(What if China invades Taiwan, miles away from...?)
克魯茲:如果...如果中國入侵台灣會怎麼樣? 世界會發生什麼事?(If...what happens if China invades Taiwan? What happens to the world?)
馬斯克:嗯,如果他們在短期內入侵,世界將與先進的人工智慧晶片隔絕。(Well, if they were to invade in the near term, the world would be cut off from advanced AI chips.) 目前,百分之百的先進人工智慧晶片都是在台灣製造的。(Currently, 100% of advanced AI chips are made in Taiwan.)
克魯茲:我們在美國能多快讓這些上線? 這對國家安全有多重要?(How fast could we put that online in America, and how important is that for national security?)
馬斯克:我認為這對國家安全至關重要。(I think it's essential for national security.)