Gendu gen fr

Bro, if I treat girls well, the sigmas, moggers and alphas around me start calling me ch*tpaglu?
Moreover, because I'm not heavily built, or tall, or handsome af, they already call me weird-ass names.

Similar stuff happens with girls, bruh, any girl who sides with guys, or hates makeup, or wears modest clothes is called a pick me?????

Its like these people expect the new normal to be girls being "feminists" on the name of man hating and guys reciprocating by commenting shit like "6000 ki russian, suna hai gulaabi hai" and constantly slut shaming women.

If I ever try to look at something from a neutral perspective, its either of these two groups, which is gonna get triggered and then pounce on me with hate comments (potential r@pist, nahi degi bhai, men are dogs etc etc)
Sabhi ke sabhi hypocrites hai bro everyone just tryna justify their dumb motives in the most idiotic way possible
Fir bolte hai gender wars kyun chal rahe

Who tf is tryna conserve the nature for our gen bro let everyone burn into hell, the world needs a cleansing.