Brandon and Theresa
Okay. I was always of the mindset that Brandon and Theresa could do whatever they want with Carly and cate and Ty had to just learn to accept that. But I started watching the next chapter and was kinda wondering why theyre so against just lettint cate and ty come see her once a year during the summer? Like they can make an agreement that it doesn’t get filmed and the cameras won’t even be allowed to come on the Trip at all. Cate and Ty have the money to fly down to North Carolina or wherever they live for a weekend so it doesn’t have to inconvenience them at all.. I’m definitely not saying this should be a monthly thing or they should be included in everything but i feel like totally keeping her away is just gonna make Carly more curious.. what is the huge harm in letting her see them and her bio sisters once a year???or even letting them talk on the phone or FaceTime occasionally.. This isn’t 1960 we know its better for adopted kids to have some sort of relationship or at least know about their birth family. Also i feel like if cate and Ty got to actually see her somewhat regularly she would be talked about a lot less on the show since they wouldn’t have to make the storyline them reaching out to ask if they can see her every other episode lol. I dunno, what does everyone think?