The school bathroom experience (NSFW just in case)
So I'm making this post to vent about how miserable the bathroom experience in our middle school is.
So walk into the bathroom, and the first thing you're gonna notice is how AWFUL the smell of unflushed piss is (I'll elaborate more on that part later).
You start walking and have to dodge the filthy sewage water (not literally but you get my point) that's on the floor for some reason.
You finally go inside the stall, and there are only squat toilets, which you can't even flush. And there's neither toilet paper nor a shattaf to clean yourself after you're done with nature's call. And if you're unlucky, you'll find some bastard having dumped a giant number 2 on the toilet hole, making piss impassable. And if you've seen squat toilets, you'll know they're not designed for shitting.
And after you're done, wanna wash your hands? Forget about it. There's not even soap to wash them, not that you'll need it anyways, because the sinks never work, and you'll just get a small stream if you're absolutely lucky.
So yeah, safe it say it's pretty less than ideal.