Got maliciously and falsely reported by someone for spam, have proof - acc limited and pending review

As stated above. I’ve used Telegram for nearly a decade now, never encountering a single problem or issue until just yesterday, when an acquaintance I was talking to maliciously spam reported me repeatedly after a very polite, cordial disagreement in a DM.

I’ve sent proof of this (screenshots and otherwise) to the Spam Bot with a review request, but it has now been 24 hours and I haven’t received a response.

I’m fairly certain that with the provided proof the limits would be raised because it wasn’t a genuine report to start with, just pure malice for some unfathomable reason.

How long do I have to wait for this? I cannot even answer the DMs people send me “unless they’re in mutual contacts” (which ofc, not many people are).

Edit: Also, I do pay for premium, of course. It’s a bit worrying that taking someone’s account away is as easy as spamming them with false reports. Literally anyone can do it, for any reason or none at all (like in my case), to anyone they wish.