I haveNOT received mu unemployment benefit.

SO I am currently on hold, with the TWC. August 18th is when I applied and I have not heard anything since they asked me to confirm my identity like 3 weeks later from that date I called last week ,and they said they will put an expedite with my case manager call back in 5 business days i gave it 6 some time. so they wouldn't be like call back. Why is it so difficult to get help I am Past due on rent and the money that they are withholding will help me out ALOT. cause I do not want to get evicted, And its such a Horrible system! why am I on Hold for almost a hour for yall to answer.. I know I am just ranting but does anyone have any tips ? On how I can get my unemployment quicker. I might be back paid when i HAVE a job or already homeless.