Shrimp should not need deveining when cooked

I'm sick and tired of people freaking out over some uncleaned shrimp digestive tracts, you know, that veiny black line on the back of a shrimp. Cleaning a shrimp generally means that you split open the back with a sharp knife and remove that black line.

But shrimp shit isn't at all like human shit. Calling it "shit" is purposeful hostile language people use to justify their opinions. Shrimp shit is a mix of even tinier sealife that make up a shrimp's diet, and algae. In other words, plants and other seafood. Shrimp "shit" doesn't even resemble human shit, so there's no intrinsic disgust reflex. Its totally fine and edible just like how lobsters were once considered cheap prison food that has now been reframed as an expensive delicacy, the semi-common pejorative that shrimp are basically ocean cockroaches is entirely a social construct. The same thing applies when people excoriate others for not deveining a shrimp before serving it.

When I make shrimp for myself, I don't clean that part out. Most of the time I don't even take the shell off, but it depends on the recipe. I would never get upset at someone who generously cooked for me if I find veined shrimp in my meal. If you're not looking for it, 99% of the time you won't even notice it. Its just that fancy chefs and cooking shows have made this into some kind of cooking crime that they need to draw attention to.

There are probably a very tiny number of people where they can't help but recoil in disgust at the thought of it. For these people, I get it, you have a reflexive reaction so its not your fault, devein away. But while I don't personally like the texture of accidentally biting into ocean grit, the vast majority of time there's so little of it that I hardly notice. For most people, you can easily ignore it. And f you don't like it, just brush it off and eat the shrimp. If you see shrimp with veins being served to you, shut up and eat it, or don't eat it and shut up anyways. Nobody needs to be called out for not deveining. If people can drink civet shit coffee and pay out the nose for it, then you can eat a microscopic amount of seafood and algae and not act like a 5 year old being forced fed brussel sprouts.