Almost done with season 4...
This season alone has shot this show at least into my top 10, and unlike Game Of Thrones I know from other posts that this show sticks the landing so I can keep watching without worry.
Nina's bleak end is so perfect. Her self sabotaging but selfless motivation to help Anton after 3 seasons of desperately trying to preserve her own life by manipulating others is a fantastic redeeming final arc for her character. Her reaction upon hearing the news of her impending execution is crushing, and I love how genuine it is. No Hollywood stoicism, she crumbles and sobs before the shot is fired. I could've done without the dream sequence that signaled way too hard that her time was up, but that's me nitpicking.
The emotional last few episodes of the Martha storyline was a fantastic payoff to nearly 3 seasons worth of build up. Everyone who has watched the show knows how utterly fantastic this whole plotline is, so I won't gush too much about it. Alison Wright nails every scene as Martha, although every performance sells how devastating this whole situation is. Mathew Reeves really shows how conflicted and soul eviscerating this situation is for Philip. Keri Russell can portray cold anger and resentment so well I am surprised she didn't murder anyone on set.
I have not finished the Young-hee plotline (sorry if I misspelled the name). However, what Elizabeth did to Don almost repulsed me just as much as Philip's grooming of Kimmy. Elizabeth is my favorite character in the show, and I hated her so much in that moment.