Do you think April slowly grew to resent Screenwave?

In 2018, Bames was at a breaking point and needed help with the channel, or else he’d quit completely. Screenwave was brought in so that Bames could spend more time with Bpril and muh kids, while still making an income.

But, it turned out that Screenwave took even more of Bimmy’s time thanks to the Podcast, Rental Reviews, Rex Viper, more AVGN episodes, and more reeeviews, the exact opposite of what Bpril wanted. He wound up having even less time for her and muh kids than before.

Personally, I think Bpril slowly grew to resent Screenwave as a result, and when the plagiarism scandal happened, she pounced and basically renegotiated their whole arrangement: no podcast, no extra shows (aside from Neighbor Nerds, but only on a strict schedule), fewer meetings, and Sean will write and edit everything.

Everything is now more predictable. Now Bames has so much more time for her and muh kids, and he gets done by 5:40 every night.

Am I right or wrong here? Was she instrumental in getting Justy and the crew kicked out, and their whole arrangement re-done? Or was it James who said fuck off to them?