What's YOUR favorite ship?
Ok now I'm sure at least SOME of us started shipping Jax and pommi when the pilot came out. I definitely did but keep in mind that was BEFORE ppl started making animations of sexualized characters mostly pommi and Jax. I definitely stopped shipping them BUT if mostly wasn't bc of that. I stopped bc as u get more and more into the new episodes u see that they aren't really a match or at least (I) see that. Of course we all have different opinions lol. But yeah it's safe to say that I'm not a jomni or a... Pomjax or whatever u call them shipper anymore but I respect all ships. Now here's my most current ships that I like and here's why. Gummigoo and pommi! Now I don't ship the together like THAT... I ship the together as good friends bc pommi really showed affection to gummigoo and understood him. Whe gummigoo said "we're just obstacles, created to be defeated and forgotten." well, pommi didn't forget about him did she? That shows that she really cared and she was so upset when Cain obliterated him. Another ship I like is zooble and gangle. In ep 4 we see zooble is a really good friend at the end and pommi too! Zooble helps ragatha with her shift and takes her home and pommi volunteers to close the shop for gangle which shows they both see what gangle's going through especially pommi just as she understood what gummigoo was going through. I feel like pommi is real like obviously a real human but I mean like a real personality. She feels what others feel and she just tries to help ppl out no matter if she's dealing with the same thing or not. That's what I love about pommi. I went from ships to talking about pommi lol but while ur still here reading this let me give u a quick theory. Maybe in future episodes gangle might get more happy like as you watch the episodes yo can progressively see gangle getting more.... Happy. Like not with the mask but genuinely. Maybe pommi and zooble could help gangle get over her depression or whatever has her sad. Hopefully it happens. I would love to see gangle cry tears of joy. That's all! Thanks for reading!