30+ Member Guild/Clan Pre-Recruiting For The Clan/Guild Update


Hey Gamers,

After our previous post last week we've been slowly growing our guild and helping our members progress through the game.

With some help, many of our newer players (1-2 weeks old) were able to learn the mechanics of each boss and clear up to Molten Fortress.

We have an active discord voice-chat where we hang around and play together.

A little about our guild:

We're a free-speech guild looking to pre-recruit mature players the future clan update in TFD.

Most of our players are pretty sweaty and have cleared all the Hard Mode bosses in the game.

But casual players are still welcome.

We're looking for mature players who can handle a few jokes here and there. (we don't like to have to step over egg-shells and watch what we say)

We're very casual-friendly even though most of us are pretty sweaty. We'll be happy to answer any questions and help you out.

Leave a message below, something along the lines of "inv" or "invite" and I'll send you the link to our discord.