Fellow descendants, this NEEDS to be addresed, for us and the future of TFD.
What i'm going to bring up has been noticed by many others before, but hasn't really been looked into seriously or openly.
As you'll see from the screenshots, currently, Descendants don't have their own/unique body types.
Base Ult Bunny and Nun Bunny have similar legs, but new Ult Bunny skin has noticeably different legs, especially thighs.
Their bodies are different as well. Those screenshots are taken from the same angle, yet check how the left hand can't be seen from the new Ult skin because of different body shape.
These are Jaber's summer skin and suit skin. As you can see from the head gear the screenshots are taken from the same angle and heights, yet his shoulders look obviously different.
What's concerning about this is that if this keeps happening, it will eventually kill Descendants' characteristics. We won't be able to tell differences of two characters of same gender wearing same skins, and descendants will feel more and more indifferent. The only character that I can confidently single out would be Hailey, but she is just one of 16 descendants.
Individual characters should have their own body types/models that is only used for their own skins.
Now, there's one more conerning issue about descendants not having their own body types. Or in this case, bodies.
From those screenshots, you may find that just like other examples, the issue is that Luna's bodies look different; in this case specifically, her hips.
There's more to it than that though.
There's no hips. You can just see through the pants. Now there can be different fixes for this, like removing the ripped parts, but I believe this wouldn't have happened in the first place if there was her body model and the model was used for her bundle skin.
I believe TFD has fantastic characters and devs deserve medals for introducing them to the world. I wish TFD to thrive in a long term, and for that I think the characters having their own bodies would help.
What do you guys think of it? I think I've heard something about Valby's body model too but I can't remember the specifics. Please share yours thoughts and experiences about this issue.
tl;dr : Descendants don't have their unique body models, some none at all, and I hope it gets addressed so it can be fixed.
edit: I understand some people being skeptical about the issue, but in my case I can't lie that I didn't start playing TFD for some cake. I genuinely believe that it's one of it's strengths, and I hope more feedbacks reach devs so that it can continue.