Update: on Hash Wrap sativa that had the decal half way up.
https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOCS/s/4Ur0H4vX6k <please see OG post for hystery>
Hi there just wanted to post an update and take a moment to thank Nugz for the fast response to my issue as well as superb customer service, I had heard good things but this is how every company should be hands down.
I messaged nugz on the weekend, I woke up Monday morning to an email agreeing right away that something was wrong and didn't try to hide it they offered me a gift card or a replacement which is what I chose after getting some info like lot # they sent me my replacement it got here maybe a day later [super fast delivery].
Attached are some pics of my replacement.
I had gotten a Cuban linx one because the store was sold out of other options so when they sent me the Red Pop x Gary Poppins I was so surprised and excited as I have been looking for it a different option than Cuban linx and hoooollllyyyy shit this was so smooth each hit, hit hard and the high was amazing best energetic high that I have had hands down. It burned almost 100% down with out the ash breaking. If I could think of any better description than "Perfectly Satisfied with my purchase" I would use it.
Thank you! Nugz, you the best!!
Just to try and disseminate this information. Nugz mentioned in their email that to address the sticker issue that they will be sending out new batch with zero sticker going forward.
P.s. My Opinion is that if you get a sticker high up, email nugz right away and keep everything till it's all worked out. And there is still good stickered rolls out there and we will have stickerless option soon.
P.s.s they didn't make me send the old one so I recovered what I could and made an infused joint out of it so what felt like a big loss has been a decent win even with the time I waited