Unit 15 - Purple Octane, 7g, 4.1% Terps, 1.9% CBG is insanely good.

I snatched this one up because my curiosity got the better of me.

The genetics are practically identical to Permanent Marker, but I had been holding off because I’m still enjoying what’s left of my batch of Northern Canna’s Permanent Marker. But like a lot of us I got to the point where I just wanted to find out.

Cracking the bag open you’re met with a sweet, gassy, and sharper aroma (if that makes sense). It’s also kind of herbal, and that’s probably due to the freshness. Packaged on Feb 3 but picked up mid March, it is among the freshest bud I’ve picked up on the rec market. It’s soft and sticky and squishy and kind of beautiful to look at.

Even though grinding it was a tiny bit of a challenge, it resulted in that kind of kinetic sand that makes rolling a joint easy. As you can see the joint burns great with mostly white ash and the smoke is insanely smooth.

But what I have to say impressed me the most was its effects. It hit me initially like a beer buzz, very light and happy with a bit of a buzz all over. But then the haziness grew and grew and after a trip to the kitchen it was practically lights out. And throughout there was a consistent uplifting feeling — I guess that’s the CBG working!

What a fantastic product. Among the best 3 flowers I’ve tried this year and will be a rebuy for sure.