Are City Safari-exclusive Pokemon a tradition now?, and what can we expect?

Well with the 2025 city safari coming up seems, like it might be a tradition now to have 1 line from a region be exclusive to these events now. Previously Skiddo, and now the Mudbray Line. So at this point looks like the "City Safari Mule" as I'll call it will be a new tradition in Go.

The Theme to it seems to be "Farm Animals" with Gogoat, and Mudsbray. If it is a tradition then, we'll likely see 1 from the Paldea Region, and one from Galar. As to who those could possibly be? Depends. It seems whoever is exclusive to City Safari's are specifically a 2-stage line that require 50 candies for evolution. Yamper has been one speculated, and I could see it. Its somewhat popular and could be a new exclusive to the events for 2026. Cufant was one I sort of speculated to maybe be exclusive to Safari events now, but well it could depend. Copperajah also has a Gmax form, which may make it globally accessible anyways, which Boltund does not so that could mark it off. Perhaps, Snom?

As for Paldea, maybe Flittle? Its kind of Chick-esque. Its also an odd and somewhat uncommon pokemon. Espathra isn't very chicken-e but that could workout. Its hard to really say considering Galar, and Paldea are still more than half incomplete so its diffcult to narrow down what we could expect. Well with Skiddo, seems it'll be available globally in due time, but seems for the future we'll have a new type of regional in a way. Its possible every region now will have 1 line exclusive to in-person events for the time being. Not sure how I really feel about this, but we'll have to see what the future has in store? Though at the very least seems like an Annual thing, so we'll go from Skiddo, then Mudbray, then Yamper? then Flittle? then something else? but aside from early-access ticket. Not sure how Gofest is handling Skiddo as a spawn, or eggs or anything. We do know most of the original team is staying for Scopely, and seems Scopely isn't getting rid of the In-Person events, so City safaris are most likely here to stay, and wont resist having an exclusive line to these events.