Just finished novel -- differences between Novel & Series? (SPOILERS)

Hi all,

Just finished The Terror novel, absolutely loved it and cannot stop thinking about it. I originally watched the TV Series about 3-4 years ago and loved it as well, just hadn't got around to reading the book until now. I've read about some of the differences, but most are pretty broad (like the ending). I was more interested in the subtler stuff.

Now I have a terrible memory, so I could be wrong here. Please feel free to correct.

Differences from novel and series

  • No diver going into the arctic water in the novel, at least none I remember. It's possible that this was mentioned in passing, but we never got a POV of it at the very least.
  • Hickey was more involved in the series than the book, he became evil earlier and was more of the antagonist (IMO), whereas in the book it was mostly Tunbaaq and Hickey was a complication.
  • Magnus IIRC don't remember being in the series at all
  • Bridgens and Peglar, I don't quite remember from the series, but may have been in the background.
  • I remember the series being more cannibalism-focused than the novel, although the novel definitely has its share in the second half.
    • I vividly remember a scene where Peglar? imagine him crawling on a large table towards Crozier, and there was a lot of cannibalism symbolism going on.
  • Carnivale was different, I definitely enjoyed the novel's take on it better as it set up Tunbaaq as an incredibly smart force to be reckoned with.
  • The cause of the sickness/scurvy deaths were left more ambigious in the novel, as they never identified why scurvy broke out or what the mysterious extra illness was, despite theorizing it had to do with the Goldner Tins. In the show I recall at least a *hint* of lead being mentioned, and also some mention of that leading to psychotic behavior.
  • Hickey was (IIRC) hypothesized to be influence by lead poisining in the series, which lead to his erratic behavior. In the novel, he's just insane, with no explanation.
    • Like he was dancing naked when he kiled Irving in the novel, but there's never any explanation as to why?
  • No Memo Moira in the tv series, as far as I remember.
    • The drenched priest giving Crozier first holy communion was such a cool touch in the novel, I think it would've worked awesomely in the tv series as well, especially since the series had *a lot* of cannibalism in it.

I think a lot of the novel leaves things a lot more ambigious, and the show tries to explain a little more. While I think I like the novel a smidge better, I do enjoy the shows hints of a greater evil (even more than Tunbaaq) in the other men that are going crazy.

Am I missing any other obvious things they differ with, apart from the obvious ending and the fact that the series skips most of the overland travel segments in the last 1/3 of the novel?