What four seasons locations do you think have potential to be a white Lotus season? Here are mine!

I’ve only looked at locations that the four seasons chain is located in! I do think there are other locations that would be really cool to have a white Lotus at, but I think they have some sort of contract with four seasons so they won’t film a season where there’s not a four seasons located.

Four seasons Serengeti (Tanzania) - The only continents they haven’t been to yet are Africa and South America. This four seasons location is literally in the middle of nowhere and is super isolated, just surrounded by animals which I think would play a huge part in the storyline. Not to mention, the culture of the tanzanian people would add so much, and I could also seeing them making a point of this location not really having access to the Internet or the outside world (even though I know it does but it would just be for the plot) which would make them even more isolated. This is my number one guess.

Four seasons bora bora - also on a remote island, but this time, surrounded by water. Bora bora is the epitome of luxury and could really present what the show is about (the difference between the rich and poor/working class). I could see a larger group/family at this location for a wedding or something and having it all go wrong.

Four seasons yacht voyages - somewhere in the Caribbean. I feel like someone drowning in the water while being on a boat is too predictable, but I do think they could do something with this that would be mysterious, especially where the different families/groups will be in such tight quarters on a yacht while sailing around

Dubai - it is now been revealed that greg and chloe met in Dubai and I feel like that could potentially have some significance. There’s a ton of stuff to do in Dubai that’s not just in the city so there could maybe be scenes at the sandunes? And it’s a very wealthy place in general.

Bogota, Columbia - the only reason why I say this location is because I feel like the cartel and drug presents in Bogotá could really play into the storyline. However, I don’t think that this four seasons location has potential to be a white Lotus season just based off the looks of the hotel itself

Japan - not sure which location, but I’m thinking maybe Kyoto. I’ve never been to Japan, but it seems like a very spiritual place both the first season and now the third season are filmed in very spiritual places where well-being an energy is really focused on. I think Japan could portray this well.

Maybe another location in Europe, like Prague or Madrid? The one thing I have noticed with the last three seasons though, is that each location does have kind of a remote/isolated feel to it which totally adds to the show in my opinion. Also, in the first episode of every season when the guest arrived to the hotel, they all arrive on a boat with the staff waving at them. If they did a location right in the city, it wouldn’t have the same feel and they wouldn’t arrive on a boat.

The last one I have an idea on is maybe somewhere cold? Maybe megeve in France or whistler in canada. Everywhere they’ve done so far has been warm/tropical climates. Maybe they want to start switching it up? Four seasons doesn’t have any resorts in like northern Europe, but that location in the Swiss Alps could have potential!

However, most of these locations have the same issue where arriving on a boat would not work which I feel like is kind of embedded in each storyline so far. So unless they really want to switch it up, they’re going to be using four seasons locations that are in places surrounded by water. (So maybe saychelles, Mauritius, somewhere in the Caribbean like the Anguilla, Bahamas, or Nevis location, and Bali even though this is super close to Thailand)

This is meant to be lighthearted(: if you have any other ideas, put them in the comments! I love reading this kind of stuff haha