To those who hate this season...
You know that feeling you get seeing Saxon and Lochy swimming in the water while fucked up and waiting for one of them to get hurt or drown?
Or that feeling of waiting for Tim's gun to go off as it's up against his temple?
Or that feeling you got watching the two Russians argue as their emotions escalated with the loud club music?
Or that feeling when it was eerily quiet while Belinda and Fabian were whispering to each other about Greg, almost as if Greg would bust through the door at that moment?
Or that feeling that Valentin and his friends would suddenly turn or take advantage of the three women in the pool?
Or that feeling when something is continously rustling around in Belinda's room and not knowing if it was someone spying on her or breaking in?
That feeling is tension. That's build up. That's anticipation. That's exactly what Mike White wants the audience to feel—on edge, as if anything could go wrong at any given moment and you're waiting for it.
That's the feeling we've grown accustomed to with The White Lotus. And every season that tension finally breaks and we all get the answer to the question we've been dying to know since the first five minutes of the season.
Be patient and enjoy this beautiful ride. The formula has worked twice so far and I have no doubt it will work a third.