We Gotta Stop
Being rude to Lightcannon and Caitvi shippers. It’s not productive or necessary. I am not trying to be patronizing, and I know most of this community doesn’t actively participate in the ship wars. Still we gotta do a better job of shutting that shit down and calling it out when it crops up.
In the case of Lightcannon, most of that community just wants to ship their ship in peace. In every fandom community, there will be a vocal minority of people who say miserable things in discussions about fictional media because they are unhappy about some aspect or reading of said media. Don’t be that person. Hell, we’ve got every reason to believe that Riot will continue to support Timebomb in future, and even if there wasn’t, there is no need to get in the mud with people who are lashing out or being weird about it. Just let them be unhappy and angry in their own time.
In the case of Caitvi, if you have issues with the ship or the way it was handled, that’s fine, but that does not necessitate a comparison that is more likely to be inflammatory than a substantive critique. Additionally, we shouldn’t pretend like Caitvi is what got in the way of Timebomb having more screen time or attention because they kind of got screwed too. Caitlyn and Vi’s relationship, as much as I enjoy and appreciate it, was not given a lot of time or room to breathe or develop, especially in Act 2 and 3, which put us in the same boat as them. There is no reason to compare or put down. There are two cakes, if you like both as I do, great. If you don’t enjoy one, ignore it.
Again, not trying to be patronizing, but there does seem to be, due to the music video, a resurgence of TB folks getting into fights with LC folks or making weird comparisons with Caitvi, particularly on TikTok and Twitter (I applaud this subreddit for being diligent about mitigating it here and having an explicit rule against it). Let’s just enjoy our ship. We are being fed better than we could’ve ever expected to be and can take comfort in the potential of and probability for more stories about Jinx and Ekko in the future.