Characters who suffer pain, terror, and even death... And honestly, would of been more merciful if they died at the beginning.
One: The Mist. After a mysterious mist covers a small town, creatures from another dimension start attacking anyone who wandered into the mist. A small group of survivors who were "lucky" enough to be inside a store when the event happened quickly fall to fear and paranoia. One of the survivors, David Dayton, dose everyway he can to try to keep his son alive and safe. But in the end, he ends up having to kill his son and the rest of the band in hopes to spare them a horrible fate. Right before the army arrives to eliminate the threat.
Two: Lake Eden. When couple Jenny and Steve, go out on hopefully peaceful trip by a lake on their vacation. But after a run in with a group of young teenagers, things quickly turn to horror as the kids turn out to be raging psychopath. The two go through hell in hopes of escaping the group. Steve ends up dying due to multiple wounds and Jenny kills one of the younger children in hopes to survive. But when she finally gets to a place where she thinks she's safe, a party fill with adults, she quickly learns that the apples don't fall too far from the tree.
Three: The Raft. On a late October afternoon, a group of college students decided to swim out to old raft for the last of the late summer. But after they reach the raft, they are stalked by a mysterious creature that lives in the lake that's kills them off one by one.