Please Share Experiences with Dr Lagos (Madrid)

i am looking at going to madrid to get top surgery from dr lagos after doing research and being rejected by another hospital due to me being a plus sized person.

i am quite scared / nervous going to another country for surgery. i would love to hear other people’s experiences going to dr lagos and also how travelling went for them. i’ve joined the facebook group as well.

my main questions are:

-where did you stay whilst over there? how long did you stay? how close were you to the hospital?

-what was the cost, how did you pay? how much money would you recommend saving not just for surgery but for your stay

-what is it like getting around? did you uber, use public transport etc?

-are there any safety issues i should be concerned about? getting around madrid etc things to avoid doing. i haven’t travelled much nor am i familiar with madrid

-what was the actual experience like staying in the hospital, what do they provide, how long do you stay there, the facilities etc

-im confused about wether you have a private room or stay in a ward?

-getting food / other supplies / essentials over there. where did you go? are there delivery services for this?

-what do you recommend bringing with you? what things for healing etc did they provide and what do you have to source yourself?

-what was the process for booking your surgery? wait times / appointments etc and what do they require from you information wise and what documents do they need. do they require confirmation of flight bookings?

-did you go alone or bring someone? is it best to have someone with you? i’m thinking of bringing a support person

-lastly, were you able to check out sights n whatnot after surgery and if so what do you recommend doing? obviously will prioritise rest but would like to see some cool things if i can / have energy to

and any other information you feel is good for me to now would be amazing! thank you in advance! i like to be SUPER prepared for things in general so for surgery i want to be over prepared