getting prescribed spironolactone and feeling uneasy

hello, for reference, im 19 and amab

yesterday i consulted my campus' gender specialist to discuss potentially pursuing treatment to make me appear more androgynous, as i have been experiencing some pretty bad dysphoria about my masculine body. i inquired about the possibility of taking low dose estradiol + SERMs but she said they don't prescribe any SERMs in my state

instead, my provider is prescribing an androgen blocker (spiro) alone and i'm afraid of the side effects, particularly bone loss/osteoporosis. when i brought up my fear of these side effects, she told me that she had never heard of them before and that having no dominant sex hormone (which is what would happen) wouldn't be dangerous

is it worth seeking out a second opinion? i obviously want to do what i can to abate my gender dysphoria but i don't want to put my physical health at such a serious risk