Let’s talk about the “tucked” feeling and phantom sensations Post-Op
I’ve been post-op for a few years ago and from very early on in my recovery, I had this feeling in my crotch like I had a really deep tuck. This remained for a few months and it was very disorienting because I felt like I still had a dck but of course any time I looked at myself in the mirror or dilated there was nothing there. Sometimes even with my eyes closed I could reach down and think of where my dck was supposed to be. I told my surgeon about this and he says it can happen to some patients but will go away with time.
It was a really strange feeling and was even a little dysphoric as even with new anatomy I could not escape that feeling that I was still somehow pre-op. I did some exercises where I visualized and used a mirror to touch myself to help my body understand how it had changed. And once I was healed up more wore clothing that I could never wear before to show to myself that I have a vagina and that a body with a p*nis could never fit in this.
I don’t know if any of this worked or it just took time but by around a year and a half mark this stopped altogether and now I don’t even really remember what it felt like before surgery.
That’s about it for my rambling but I’m curious what everyone else’s experiences with weird phantom sensations were like?