I had to stop watching TrashTaste because I can't stop envying the hosts lifestyle and it making me depressed

I don't know if this fits the sub or is it too heavy for this, but I had to stop watching my favorite podcast, because I envy the guys' lifestyle too much. I don't think I have parasocial relationship with them, I don't follow them, but I watched and listened all the episodes and specials, and their videos on their channels.

I am 32 and working dead end low salary job in a shithole of a country, this is not a sob story, but I started having very hard time relating to the stories on podcast. The guys are rich, they travel, they have very cool friends(each other at least) and have rich and full lives. I don't have none of that.

You might say that they worked hard and deserve all that, I agree 100%, but at the same time I worked hard all my life too, but I am nowhere near their successes. It started affecting my mental health really hard.

I don't know what I am trying to reach with this post, just wanted to write goodbye to my favourite podcast.