Which characters are you looking forward to appear in the future?

Maid girl with big ass robo-hands and ninja boy from Chiyoda Tribe are looking pretty interesting just by their design alone.

Person in white suit from Shinjuku Tribe. I can’t even tell if that’s a guy or a girl with them eyelashes.

Fucho Sonoda and Kai Asahikawa from Ota Tribe. Excited for Fucho because of his giant scythe, and Kai because he’s just straight up crazy.

Hyakutaro Senju and Rankichi Umeda from Adachi Tribe. Looking forward to Hyakutaro to make his appearance so I can have him in a team with his lil bro. I’m hoping they add Rankichi’s motorcycle into his gameplay somehow.

Hanafuda Sakura from Taito Tribe. I just like him really.