Utah today

Any other Utah units available for today? There is a peaceful demonstration in Salt Lake sponsored by a Hispanic group of immigrant advocates.

ICE and other gestapo units will probably target. We cannot interfere or intervene.

Far-right units might attack or intimidate with large groups of chuds "rolling coal" while flying the colors of the enemy and threatening immigrant American Citizens.

The demonstration is listed 1-4pm today.

Anyone available for standby, please understand the rules of engagement: we are non-violent, and this particular operation will have large ICE and other gestapo presence. This should be definitely more surveillance OPSEC, not openly actively participating in the demonstration and visible.

If you choose to be visible, no guerrilla wear. Blend in with the crowd, or look like you aren't even involved or concerned. Go undercover as a regular joe from the neighborhood around avenues, Wall, and Capitol blocks.