Searching Christian forums was a mistake

I don't usually search for Christian topics on the internet because people on the internet are mostly atheist, but lately I've been on Christian forums (both on and off Reddit) and it was definitely a mistake. I've come across legalistic people who think everything is a sin and have made me feel guilty for the smallest thing. I've spent a week thinking about these things and not being able to enjoy anything or live my life in peace thinking that everything is "sin." I felt like I was living in the North Korean dictatorship, with no free will. Is that what God wants, for you to live in a tyranny incapable of enjoying life?

Many people abandon Christianity because of legalists with a Pharisee complex that makes them feel as if in order to please God you must live bitter and unhappy. I've also read how legalism psychologically affects people who suffer from OCD.

Legalists are definitely worse than atheists. An atheist will never convince a Christian to stop believing, but a legalist will.

Edit: Many legalists read my post and think I'm "disobeying God" just by disagreeing with them. Which makes me think they think they are "God" themselves.