Is the main reason people are getting married and not focusing entirely on god is because they can't “behave yourself sexually” as paul said
So Im aware paul said to get married if you can't behave yourself sexually.
So Im struggling a lot with homosexual sin, I feel its a bit hipocritical that the people telling you to avoid finding a life of love for yourself, are themselves seeking love because they cant behave themselves. Ok so I cant behave myself, so I should be single? mmmmk, so why shouldnt you?
So my religious leaders, pastors, who want to help me, all have wives for their not being able to help themselvws, they preach that for me to help I should only go to god. SOooooooOOO, Why didnt they only go to god to? why did they take the more then god as an answer?
Why did they need wives? why wasnt god enough for them? if they want god t be enough for my single person journey, god should have been enough for theirs single persons journey too???
but they didnt stay Just them and god they got married