Anyone else feel like evangelical worship is based souly on feelings?
I'd consider myself non-denominational, however I currently go to an anglican church, but I grew up going to an evangelical/Pentecostal church, and I'm currently on staff with YWAM (a missions organization, that is super charismatic). Whenever I go to a YWAM worship service, or one at a charismatic church, like the one I grew up going to, I can't help but notice that the worship seems to be souly emotions-based, and not to say that God can't encounter people through emotions, He 100% can, but the entire service seems to be centered around having an emotional experience, i.e., whenever people pray, they are practically shouting, and the worship songs seem to always be pure hype, with lyrics that don't carry any doctrinal significance, or very little, at the very least. I don't think this is on purpose, I think that people have noticed subconsciously over time, that "oh, when I pray like this, and play these types of songs get an emotional response from the congregation, and it makes me feel good about myself". This really bothers me, because I think it encourages people to chase that emotional high, instead of actually engaging with worship. Has anyone else had an experience like this?