Tom Brown’s Body

I just listened to this podcast all day - couldn’t stop!! Really well-done and fascinating. I can’t make heads or tails of what happened but I don’t think suicide makes sense - parking the car, walking away for a very long time, the backpack in a random spot, the phone dropped off months and months later... just doesn’t fit to me. Makes me definitely think foul play somehow.

The point of this post is to just hear what others think about the sheriff and share some thoughts - I definitely think he’s lying a ton and covering stuff up. The story about how Tom went up to him later and confessed he lied to his mom about that night that got him reported? Guaranteed he made that up since Tom was gone and he just wanted to clear his name with a simple story like that. After all, Tom wasn’t around to disprove it. And then, linked below, Skip Hollandsworth did an AMA and someone asked for things he wished he put in the podcast. He said that there was this situation with a photo of Tom at the gas station. The sheriff said he never showed Tom’s mom a photo/the photo doesn’t exist, but the mom said it does and she saw it. I feel like there were so many times Skip or the private detective would be like “sheriff, so-and-so said you did this” and he would just deny it. Thoughts on his involvement??