Thoughts on AM Offlane?

I recently discovered AM Offlane through Grubby reacting to Jenkin's AM video (stopped playing for 2 years).

Tried it myself and though I only have a very small sample size (5 wins out of 6), it seems increeeedibly strong.

After your 1st item Vanguard, you're virtually invincible and get to force any carry out of lane (high dmg, mana-drain + slow into kill potential, you out-regen them).

You get to freefarm your Diffusal Blade and after that you can control the map by yourself thanks to your insane mobility and tankiness. You don't even necessarily have to kill anyone, though that's often an option - just jumping on an enemy hero, Diffu + hitting them will drain their Mana down to 0.

After that, they're just sad. Especially heroes like Timber, Axe, Pudge, Zeus, and virtually anyone who needs mana to provide their kit. Thoughts?

PS: Immortal Bracket