How deep do you think Jodorowsky intended The Holy Mountain to be?
Admittedly, I am not very familiar with his work, but I recently watched The Holy Mountain (which I loved) and Jodorowsky's Dune not too long before that. In Jodorowsky's Dune, I got the sense that many of the decisions he made during his creative process stemmed either from an instinctive feeling that something was right when it came to mind or simply because he found it entertaining. I don’t remember exactly what made me think this, but I felt that The Holy Mountain reinforced that idea.
The Holy Mountain feels like it was made by a child—and I mean that in the best way possible. The symbolism is incredibly on the nose and often involves sex, poop, or death. All the disciples profit from evil in some way (war, industrialization, trafficking), presented in a manner so lacking in subtlety that it becomes comical. It seems to me that the movie does not take itself very seriously. I would guess that much of what appears in the film is there simply because Jodorowsky found it amusing.