My uncle died and i am struggling with it after learning some incredibly disturbing things about him.

I 26f have lived with my uncle, my mothers twin brother on and off my whole life. Up until his death my husband, my parents and siblings, my uncle and I all lived together on a little compound.

My uncle has always been an odd man, he had some mental and learning difficulties and couldn’t live alone, but he was my favorite person in the world. He suddenly got very sick and after multiple emergency surgeries he passed away in hospice, my parents staying with him most of the time. He got incredibly violent while in the hospital, threatening a nurse, my father and other medical professionals.

He confessed to my dad on his deathbed a lot of things, mainly saying things like he was not really human, he had died as a child and this entity had taken his body, that he was the reason covid happened, he had to cleanse the world of filth, and how he had opened portals all over our property trying to summon another entity and now that he’s dying we needed someone to come close them before something bad happened, among other scary things.

Going into his house we found this hidden room where there were like a summoning circle, animal bones and journals talking about how he was a Lord with the head of a stag.

I am struggling with the last feelings I had towards him before he died being fear. I hate that im fucking scared of him and every memory is tainted with fear. I just want my uncle back.

thank you for reading my rant into the void.