this literally just happened and I’m using speech to text to tell you guys as I sit in my bathroom waiting for my parents to answer so i can go back home. I just moved to Cape Cod. I live in a weird little house that I found in the quiet town of East Falmouth. The house is a little rundown, but after considering the fact that the house is technically“ok” to live in and it is a really good price, I was willing to put up with it. I was up all night and for the fourth night in a row as I’ve been talking to this girl that I met online. weird shit has been happening to me since I met her. see, I’ve always been one to knock a scary story as a coincidence or flat out made up and of course? this girl is full of ghost stories. I’ve never felt such a wrong feeling hearing them as I do when she tells them. It’s currently 5 AM and about 20 minutes ago, She told me that she had to take a quick nap before school. This was after she was telling me ghost stories all fucking night. She started sending me memes after telling me ghost stories and I still felt sick no matter how many funny memes she sent me. She kept telling me that she was feeling watched and every time she says that, I started to feel like i was being watched. she kept saying she was seeing something out of the corner of her eyes, and the same thing would happen to me as or before she said it. she then just told me before she got off the phone that she knew something was in the room with her and that’s when I knew it. There was something in the room with me. I ignored it. She hung up. Earlier in the night, I had cracked a seltzer water and right after she hung up the bubbles started growing louder and louder until it was deafening. I was sitting in the guest room and I have a curtain divider that splits the two beds and it started moving like crazy. I decided to run but first I had to move the curtain and I had a feeling that when I moved the curtain, I would see what it was. I contemplated for a second, but with the curtain open. nothing. I felt blessed and ran towards the door to get the hell out of there. I ripped the door open and there was. It was not human and I don’t know what it was. I can only describe as a figure made of shapes with a face and the features of the face were upside down, but the head wasn’t . There’s something in my house. I ran past it but had to push it to get through. It felt like nothing and something at the same time. I looked back and was gone. I don’t know if I should call the police , I don’t know who to tell. They will think I’m crazy. I told my parents and they still haven’t answered after explaining this whole story. What should I do? help.