When My Grandfather Met A Demon

My mom has been telling me and my siblings this story for years now and every time she tells the story it always gives me the chills. My mom was extremely young at the time considering this was somewhere in the 80s and my mom was probably around 7-10 though I'm not sure, and she was living in Harris County Texas at the time and her father (my grandpa) was retired Special Forces and they were living in a neighborhood next to this house and my mom would play in the front yard with her brother (my uncle) and she would always see this man sitting in a rocking chair on his front porch and he would just do that everyday. So my mom's father decides one day to go talk to the man and try to get to know him and so he goes out of the house and over to the man's porch and introduces himself to the man and sits down with him and they start chatting away but then the man tells my mom's father that he wants to show him something, and though he's a little hesitant he accepts and so they walk into the man's house and into the basement but my mom's father noticed how the house looked abandoned and run down but he didn't really mind it, so they continue down into the basement and in the middle of the room is a table with a plate in the center with chicken legs on it and the man tells him to sit and they both start eating and after a few minutes they get done and put the legs on the plate but then the man says "do you want to see something cool" and my mom's father is hesitant but again he accepts and then the man begins to put his hand over the plate and starts waving around over the plate and the bones start to levitate and almost "dance" and the man said "if you want this power you must sell your soul to the devil" and as soon as my mom's dad heard that he ran as fast as he could and out the house and after that day the man disappeared and so my mom's father decided to investigate and he went back to the basement and he found a pentagram engraved on the floor but the house was completely abandoned, and he asked the neighbors if anyone had lived there but they all said that none was living there and that it was abandoned for years and after that my mom's father never stepped foot near the house again.