Video Games Are For Losers
Video games are designed to give you the same sense of accomplishment that people feel when they pass major life milestones. Only video games give this stimulus much easier and much more often. Why graduate from college when you can level a character to 99?
You are accomplishing NOTHING by leveling your character up, or building your farm in a video game, or doing that side quest. But these games trick your brain into thinking you’ve actually done something. When you turn that game off, you’re the same loser you were before you started playing. Nothing has been accomplished.
My favorite example of this is when Red Dead 2 came out. These losers were happily chopping wood, moving hay bundles and maintain positive relationships with others in their camp. All things they would NEVER do in real life. Turn off the video games and do a a real chore!
Video games are an addictive time sink. You may think that you’re young and that you’ve got time to burn. But one day you’ll wake up and you’ll be 40 years old and realized that you’ve wasted your entire life.
I worry about young men these days. Throw your game console out of the window and start leveling yourself up. You’re not a barbarian in Diablo 4. You’re a normal dude and this is your one life. Make the most of it.