The argument over the 14th amendment is stupid
The amendment clearly says ALL persons born here are citizens. I don’t understand why this is being debated when the 14th is one of the clearest and well-documented amendments we have. We know exactly the intent behind it and we know exactly how the courts applied it.
First, I know the argument is that the amendment was only meant to apply to the newly freed slaves after the Civil War and not children of immigrants, but thats not true. We literally have the transcripts from the congress hearings debating this amendment and we know the topic of children of immigrants was discussed. Specifically Chinese immigrants since at that time those were the biggest group of non-white immigrants and were the ones being targeted. They clearly said that yes this amendment would apply to the children of Chinese immigrants.
This was tested in 1898 after a Chinese man born to Chinese immigrants left to visit his family in China and was not allowed back in the US when he returned. He sued arguing that since he was born here he was a citizen. The Supreme Court agreed in United States v. Wong Kim Ark
Also I know some people use that phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” to argue that children of immigrants are not citizens because they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, but that SCOTUS decision i mentioned also clarified that. They ruled that the only groups not subject to US jurisdiction in US borders are foreign diplomats, certain Native American tribes, and enemy occupying forces.