The right completely won and control politics since the 1980s, they just hate the world they created.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, across the Western World, the organised left completely functionally collapsed into oblivion and the right were victorious, Reagan and Thatcher implemented Neoliberal Capitalism, a right wing ideology developed by Friedman, Hayek, Mises etc in the two major Anglosphere countries and most Western countries adopted it. Neoliberalism capitalism at it's most basic posits that the only role of Government is to create a "fair framework" for Corporations to act within, and that the Free Market should be the major deiscion maker on all social, cultural and civic issues, that there is no such thing as society or collectives, only individuals making their choices in the market.

Soon after, almost every "Left" wing party in the west, completely adopted this Monkier, Labor in Australia, Labour in the UK, NDP in Canada, The Democrats in the US etc. While they pushed more Socially "Progressive" positions, they completely adopted the rights stance on how society should be run. Let me quote the ""Socialist"" UK Labour party:

Economic growth only comes from businesses: big, medium and small. Government's role is to give them the stability they need to invest and to remove the barriers to make it harder to do business. That's the model to grow the economy we believe in – and it's the only one that works.

This is what mainstream "left wing" politics looks like in the West, give up everything to Corporations, the State nor Civic society really has any role anymore. Economic Growth only comes from the Private sector (literal easily debunked Neoliberal propaganda, Englands own industrial revolution was the result of State direction, Ha Choon Jang has shown consistently, state directed market economies have had higher growth than free market ones, and free market reforms in developing countries almost always led to economic decline).

Yeah, This is not left wing politics, this is deeply internalized Right Wing politics of the Austrian and Chicago school of economics. The Left died completely in the 1970s and the final nail in the coffin was the forced dismantling of the USSR by liberal entryists. Modern "Progressives" are just Cosmopolitian Neoliberals.

The issue here is

1: Modern Conservatives are profoundly anti-intellectual and refuse to engage in any serious analysis of power structures, how Capitalism works beyond Econ101 propaganda and various capitalist industry talking points. The fact Capitalism is deeply antagonistic to most Conservative social positions due to Capitalism's need to create new markets, never even enters the minds of most right wingers. Every single modern right wing intellectual is a complete and total hack. Conservative intellectualism died in the early 20th century. Notice how classical Conservatives like Georgists, even Adam Smith, are deeply opposed to Conservative free market dogma? Hell fun fact, Environmentalism, used to be the CONSERVATIVE position, before Conservatives deep throated Capitalist market propaganda. I mean just look at the most recent RNC conference. The Right are just Liberals from 2010. 2028 RNC I will bet $100 there will be TRAs on stage.

2: Conservatives deep fetishization of individuality and consumerism, goes completely against Conservative social norms, which are heavily reliant on Collective civic and religious identity. Why in hell would people care about civic norms when they are told that only their individual consumer choices matter?

3: Humans are deeply collective social creatures that find their socialized identity in groups, there is in reality, no such thing as an individual, your views, your language, even how you express yourself, are nothing more than group think, thus the war against Collective identity towards Consumerist Indivdualism, let people to finding identity with brands and markets, and guess what Capitalism thinks putting kids on H Replacement Therapy is a perfectly profitable new market and identity. How dare you go against the Free Market and individual choices?

4: Mass Migration was only ever seriously opposed by Unions, which the right spent 100 years dismantling. Mass Migration largely serves as a right wing form of monetary policy to create deflationary pressure on wages, which is why every right wing Government increases Immigration year on year despite claiming to oppose "illegal immigration". All of modern economics is based largely on deflation, and mass immigration is the easiest way to do it. The Right Destroyed Unions specificially to allow mass migration, they cry about it when they achieved their goal.

Not that Liberals are off the hook, Liberals are right wing. They buy into the same way society should be structured, they buy into completely the right wing Economic arguments. Liberals are simply more cosmopolitian, thus support more cosmopolitian social positions that are more supported by the Free Market. Ironically, this makes Liberals, actually more classically right wing than the right.

The hilarious thing about all of this, for all the Right Wing railing against "The Left", The Left doesn't exist in the Western world beyond a few tiny reading groups of about 5 people. The fact that Conservatives genguinely think the World Economic Forum, a conference of Capitalist Corporate Billionares is "Left Wing" shows how far the right have gone completley off the deep end in the contradiction of their own ideology. The further irony comes from the fact that Marxists tend to be far more genuinely socially Conservative, and espouse a social order that would far more incentivize a Conservative social order and Working Class values would have primacy along with a massive focus on a collective civic identity, but of course Conservatives deeply oppose that because of decades of Anti-Communist propaganda to the point where literally Capitalist Billionares are somehow "Marxist".

You won, your ideology was incoherent nonsense and this is the result, a completely schizophrenic world that you conservatives hate. Maybe accept, that your ideology was nothing more than elite Corporate propaganda.

At least look into a Georgist worldview and actually read Conservative intellectuals from the 19th and early 20th century. Classical Conservatives atleast had something resembling coherent views. But of course, most Conservatives will never do that because they probably see Classical Conservatives as "Marxists".