Huge majority of incels aren't incels because they're misogynistic
I constantly see people blaming "misogyny", "blackpill" or other stuff as the reasons why incels are lonely. But its pretty much never true. and here is why:
Men don't just become misogynistic out of nowhere, and start hating girls randomly. Same goes for believing in blackpill. They do this because of their bad life experiences with women. For example they are often autistic (around 30 times more autistic according to sources) and they were often bullied, and his bullies were getting a ton of girls meanwhile they couldn't even have 1 female friend which really changed their minds on women. Or they can just be ugly and have really hard time dating on tinder, or just approaching women. This are just examples ofc.
Incels don't just say they hate women randomly everytime they have a chance to talk with girls. They pretty much only say it online anonymous, so saying that they are lonely because they believe in blackpill doesn't really make sense.
But the reason why no one really cares about these 2 facts is because no one really has empathy for men especially lonely men, at least way less empathy than they have for women, so they don't really wanna help them or even understand their issues, and many of them (like IncelTears) just want to bully them so they will blame them for everything without any basis